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e-Way Bill Distance Limit

An electronic way bill, often known as an “eway bill,” is a document that must be carried while moving products worth more than Rs 50,000. Depending on the kind of goods being moved and the distance involved in the transit, the eway bill has a set validity term.

E-way bill validity period

The approximate distance between the supplier’s position and the recipient’s location determines the validity of an e-way bill, not the distance between the transporter’s location and the recipient’s location.

E-way bill distance limit

When calculating the distance from the point of dispatch to the delivery end, the MAP functionality can be used to estimate the distance travelled.

Currently, while creating an e-way bill online, a distance of up to 4,000 kilometres can be entered in the distance area.

Because there are more than 4,000 kilometres between Kanyakumari and Shimla, a person wishing to transport products there will be unable to produce an eWay Bill.

However, even though the distance is above 4,000 miles, it shouldn’t be a problem, provided the items can be delivered within the validity time.

The validity time for EWB is often extended by one day for every 200 kilometres and by an additional day for each segment of 200 kilometres.

For example, the validity period is 1+1 days if the distance is nearly 310 kilometres.

How to determine the validity of E-way bill

The products must be moved within the specified time period specified in the created e-Way bill, which is as follows:

Type of Conveyance Distance
In the event that the cargo is not overly dimensional 1 day for any trip up to 200 km, and an extra day for every subsequent 200 km, or portion thereof, after that
When dealing with oversize cargo 1 day for any distance up to 20 km, and an extra day for every additional 20 km, or portion thereof, after that

Extending the E-way bill’s validity period

The validity term may be extended if the products cannot be carried by the e-way bill’s expiration date.

Only the current assigned transporter of the e-way bill has the authority to extend the validity or the supplier if the transport is outsourced.

When the validity term expires, the transporter carrying the cargo per the e-way bill system may extend the validity period.

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Factors for extending the validity of E-way Bill

The e-way bill’s validity period may need to be extended for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Any modifications to the transport vehicle
  • Breaking down
  • Any additional factor that causes a delay in the shipment of vehicles.

How to extend validity of e-way bills

Below are the detailed steps on how to extend the validity of e-way bills

  • Visit the e-way Bill system. To sign in, enter your username, password, and captcha code.
  • On the dashboard’s left side, under the “E-waybill” option, select “Extend Validity.”
  • Enter the e-way bill number whose validity needs to be extended.
  • To extend the validity, answer “Yes.”
  • Enter the justifications and comments for the extension, then reenter the vehicle details to proceed.
  • Choose the appropriate cause from the drop-down menu, then type the required notes. It is not possible to edit every field for the extension of the validity period while extending the validity period.
  • The following fields are not editable:
    • Invoice information
    • GSTIN for the recipient and the supplier
  • You need to reenter the Approximate Distance to Destination, Mode and/or Vehicle data, Place of Dispatch (From Place), and Place of Delivery (To Place). Now, the system will grant additional validity based on the required trip distance.
  • The previous e-way bill number is replaced once the new one extends the validity. There are currently no limitations on how frequently one may prolong the validity term.

FAQs on E-way bill distance limit

Is an e-way bill required for a 40 kms distance?

If the distance between a consignor's location and a transporter's location is less than the minimum distance necessary for an e-way bill, i.e., 50 km, the specifics of the conveyance do not need to be stated.

Who can extend the validity of e way bill?

Only the active transporter can extend the validity of EWB. The generator may update the validity if a transporter is not assigned.

What is the e-way bill kilometre limit?

The minimum distance necessary for an e-way bill is 50 km, while the maximum e-way distance limit is 4,000 km.

How many times can we extend the validity of an e-way bill?

8 hours before and 8 hours after the EWB's expiration deadline, the validity may be extended. As of now, there are no limitations on the number of times to extend the validity.

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Know more about e-Way Bill