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Common Errors in E-invoicing : e-Invoice Error Code

There is a significant chance of error when creating e-invoices, registering on IRP, uploading invoices, downloading e-invoices, or scanning QR codes. Therefore, you might find it tedious when you need to be made aware of the errors’ significance.

This blog can help you prepare to deal with and resolve all those e-invoicing errors.


E-invoice Error Codes Error Messages Reason for the Error Resolution/Fix
2150 Duplicate IRN You uploaded an invoice already registered in IRP and for which you generated an IRN before. Do not send that same request simultaneously. Wait for the IRN. Update the system with the same. You can send the request again if you still need to receive the IRN.
2172 IGST amounts are not applicable for the intra-state transactions of some items. Therefore, only CGST and SGST amounts are applicable. You entered an IGST amount for intra-state transactions instead of CGST and SGST. Recheck the tax applicability for the transaction. If the recipient and supplier’s state code of Point of Supply (POS) is the same, then CGST and SGST are applicable.

Under exceptional cases, if IGST is applicable, enter the ‘IGST’ amount and flag the intra-state transaction as ‘Y’.

2176 Invalid HSN code(s)-{0} You have entered an Incorrect HSN code in the invoice. Cross-check the HSN code on the portal. Send the HSN to the help desk and confirm.
2182 The taxable value of all the items must be equal to the total taxable value. The total taxable value of all the invoices you uploaded doesn’t match the total taxable value of individual line items. Recheck whether

the Total taxable value equals the taxable value of all the individual line items in the uploaded invoice.

2189 Invalid total invoice value The total invoice value of the invoice you uploaded does not match the total of the individual line items. Recheck whether

the Total invoice value equals the value of all the individual line items.

Upload the invoice after considering other charges and discounts with a tolerance limit of (+/-).

2193 AssAmt value equals the (TotAmt – Discount) for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1} You entered incorrect assessable amounts for that particular item. For that particular item, you should calculate the assessable value by reducing the discount of the total amount.
2194 Invalid total item value for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1}. The total item value you have entered is incorrect. Ensure that item value is the total of assessable value plus all taxes, cess and other charges.
2211 Supplier and recipient GSTIN should be different. You have provided the same GSTIN for the supplier and buyer. Do not use self-generated invoices for e-invoice generation, as they are ineligible.
2212 The GSTIN of the recipient cannot be URP for supply type {0}. You have entered invoices related to unregistered persons as B2B transactions. Enter the actual GSTIN of the recipient.
2227 The SGST and CGST amounts should be equal for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1} The CGST and SGST amounts are not matching for the particular item. Ensure that CGST and SGST amounts are equal.
2233 Duplicate SI numbers are not allowed in items. You issued duplicate serial numbers for different items in the item list. Allot unique serial numbers to each item.
2234 The SGST and CGST amounts for HSN – {0} and Sl. No {1} are invalid. You entered incorrect SGST, and CGST amounts for the specified item. Ensure that you enter the correct amounts for the SGST and CGST.
2235 The IGST amount given with HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1} is invalid. You passed an incorrect IGST amount for the specified item in the item list. Ensure that SGST and CGST equal each line item’s (taxable value (x) tax rate/2). There is a tolerance limit of +/- 1.
2240. The GST rate for HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1} is invalid. You entered an incorrect GST rate. Ensure that you enter the correct GST rate for each item.
2244 The pin code of the recipient is mandatory for the transaction -{0}. You missed adding the recipient PIN code for the transaction. Provide recipient PIN code.
2265 The recipient GSTIN state code should be the same as the state code passed in recipient details. The first two digits and the state code of the GSTIN do not match the recipient details. Under the recipient details, ensure that the first two digits of the GSTIN match the state code you enter.
2275 The recipient PIN code should be 999999 for direct export. For export transactions, the PIN code you add for recipient details should be 999999. Ensure that the PIN code you enter is 999999 only for specific transactions.
3028 There is no GSTIN present in the invoice system. There is no GSTIN of the recipient available in the e-invoice system. Ensure the correctness of the GSTIN. If taxpayers know its correctness, click on ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API.

  1. GSTIN available in the GST portal: You can resend the IRN generation request upon receiving the details.
  2. Verification through API failed: You can go to the einvocie1.gst.gov.in portal and click ‘Taxpayer/ GSTIN’ under the search menu to manually check the status.
3029 GSTIN is not active. The GSTIN is inactive/cancelled. Ensure the correctness of the GSTIN. If taxpayers know its correctness, click on ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API.

  1. GSTIN available in the GST portal: You can resend the IRN generation request upon receiving the details.
  2. Verification through API failed: You can go to the einvocie1.gst.gov.in portal and click ‘Taxpayer/ GSTIN’ under the search menu to manually check the status.

You can otherwise always opt for e-invoice software which is affordable and powerful, like myBillBook

FAQs about Common Errors in E-invoicing

Why did I receive a duplicate IRN error? How can I resolve it?

You might have uploaded an invoice that you already registered in IRP and for which you generated an IRN before. So, do not send that same request simultaneously. Wait for the IRN. Update the system with the same and send the request again if you still need to receive the IRN.

What does e-invoice error code “2182” signify?

It signifies that the HSN code is invalid.

Can I still generate the e-invoice although I received an error message stating “Invalid total e-invoice value?”

No. You cannot generate your e-invoice since the total invoice value of the invoice you uploaded does not match the total of the individual line items.
Hence, recheck whether the total invoice value equals the value of all the individual line items.
Upload the invoice after considering other charges and discounts with a tolerance limit of (+/-).

I received an e-invoice error code “2233.” What does it mean?

It means you issued duplicate serial numbers for different items in the item list.

How do I generate my e-invoice if my GSTIN is inactive?

If your GSTIN is inactive or cancelled, ensure it’s correct. Then, click on the ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP’ API.
You can resend the IRN generation request upon receiving the details if GSTIN is available in the GST portal.
You could go to the einvocie1.gst.gov.in portal and click ‘Taxpayer/ GSTIN’ under the search menu to manually check the verification status through API failed.

What would happen if the first two digits of the GSTIN do not match the state code?

You will receive an e-invoice error code 2265 that says, “The recipient GSTIN state code should be the same as the state code passed in recipient details.”

Read more about GST e-Invoicing