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Billing and Accounting Software for Preschools

Billing Software for preschools or playschools helps organisations create professional invoices and share them with clients online. During the admission period, it’s crucial to generate multiple invoices simultaneously. Manual invoice generation takes time and is also prone to errors. Using billing software like myBillBook is thus required for effortless invoice generation.

myBillBook is a cloud-based billing software available for download on mobile and desktop. Listed here are the billing options provided by myBillBook in detail.

Billing Invoicing Software for Pre School

Features of myBillBook Billing Software for Preschools

Generate non-GST Invoices: As education is GST-free, myBillBook billing software for preschools and playschools allows you to create non-GST invoices using the pre-designed templates. Preschools need to enter basic information like the child’s details, fee breakup and other required information, and the billing app will automatically generate the invoice.

Custom Invoice Templates: myBillBook billing software for preschools offers 8 invoice themes in different colours and sizes. Choose an invoice theme close to your preschool logo or other brand colours. Thus created invoice reflects your brand and helps parents identify your brand.

Add/Remove Invoice Fields: Not just the invoice design, you can also customise what you can enter in the invoice. You can add any fields required for your baby care organisation or delete unnecessary fields that are not relevant. This way, the childcare billing software allows you to make custom invoices.

Filter Invoice Data: By filtering the invoices day-wise, week-wise, month-wise, quarte-wise, year-wise and so on, you know the number of admissions that happened in a particular period. You can also easily mark the invoices as paid and unpaid to find pending dues.

Search Invoices: The search tab – ‘Search Sales Invoice’ in the ‘Invoices’ section lets you easily find any invoice by simply entering the child’s name or invoice number. This helps you in finding any missing invoices quickly and easily.

Expense Tracking: Besides invoicing tasks, the billing software also allows you to enter the expenses related to your preschool. You might require different items like play area equipment, activity tools, stationery and other kids-related stuff.

If you create a separate expense sheet for every purchase, you can track all the expenses in one place. On the expense sheet, you will find options to enter the category of the expense, payment mode, date, list of items, total amount, and any additional notes you want to add.

Manage Multiple Bank Accounts

If you use more than one bank account to accept payments related to your preschool, you can add all such accounts to the billing app. With multiple bank accounts added, you can display account details of choice on the invoices, transfer cash between ledgers, and mark payments received.

FAQs on myBillBook Billing Software for Preschools

Can I install myBillBook billing software for preschools on my mobile?

Yes, myBillBook billing software is available for multiple platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. You can also login directly from its website. Based on your mobile’s operating system, you can download either the myBillBook Android app or iOS app, login with the same credentials and use your account from anywhere.

Is myBillBook childcare billing software free?

You can experience the myBillBook app in real time through our 14-day free trial program, after which you can take any subscription plan of your choice.

Can I manage staff using the daycare software with billing and invoicing?

Yes, the Staff Attendance & Payroll feature of myBillBook helps you manage payroll and staff attendance easily. You can record the bonuses, any advances, and other payroll-related information in the billing app.

How safe is my playschool data on myBillBook?

myBillBook is an ISO-certified app and is 100% secure in terms of data safety and security. All the information entered on the app is end-to-end encrypted and saved on anonymous servers to prevent malware and virus attacks.

Can I send payment reminders to my preschool child’s parents?

Yes, the myBillBook app allows you to send payment reminders to your clients when the payment due date is approaching. You can also automate the feature in settings.

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