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WhatsApp Marketing

Have you ever visited a mall, purchased from a store, paid the bill, returned home, and received WhatsApp notifications regarding the same store’s festive offers?

Their monthly reminders and discount announcements would have helped you know when to purchase again, right?

What you just read is one fine example of WhatsApp marketing.

What is Whatsapp Marketing?

In layman’s terms, Whatsapp marketing is using WhatsApp messenger to craft messages and then send them to your clients with the intention of brand promotion.

Also, we frequently use Whatsapp to communicate with our friends and family. Hence, using the app to promote your products and respond to your customers’ questions transforms into the most personalised form of communication and purchasing experience.

Here at myBillBook, you can promote your business through the app without much effort, as it is automated.

Why Should You Use the Whatsapp Marketing Technique for Your Business?

Whatsapp was and is one of India’s most used apps for messaging. That being the case, here is a list of reasons for using it to market your business;

The Popularity of Whatsapp

Even today, the app is the most preferred for people since 2010 to enquire about a product. The reason for the preference is the app’s popularity since its launch.

The Increasing Number of Users

Every day more people are installing the app. Hence you can choose the channel WhatsApp for guaranteed conversions.

Users Using Them Every Day

Unlike other messenger apps like Facebook or Instagram, which users use only a few times a day, WhatsApp is an app user open and use during all times of the day.

Customer’s Eternal Love for This Channel

The interface, features and emoji-added texts they receive make customers almost happily addicted to this channel. Therefore you can invest in WhatsApp marketing without any second thoughts.

Customer’s Trust in Products Information They Receive via Chat

Most of us tend to trust people who come up to us with products in a personalised tone. The satisfaction and trust would increase even further when they do the same via a personal chat messenger like WhatsApp.

Benefits of Whatsapp Marketing for Your Business

You Can Build the Best Relationships With Your Customers.

Consider the first example of purchasing from the store at the mall. The more messages you receive on messengers on your phone, the more you will feel connected to that store. Otherwise, you will probably forget that you made the purchase itself.

Consumers say they engage only with personalised marketing messages. You can also curate personalised messages in WhatsApp, unlike other channels.

So, you will retain half the customers if you maintain that connection.

You Will Have a Higher Conversion Rate.

Nowadays, people find traditional methods like phone calls inadequate in staying connected. So instead, they chose social media and emails as more convenient.

Most customers will answer your chats in WhatsApp. The better the messages, the more your conversions will be.

You Will Witness Better Sales.

Imagine that you liked the store mentioned in the first paragraph and browsed their website to find a contact number. The number available in WhatsApp can make you happier because it allows you to text them immediately and grab offer details.

There is also a growing tendency for people to purchase through messaging apps like WhatsApp.

You Can Enjoy a Lower Cost of Marketing.

The channel of Whatsapp is very economical. You can install the app, draft messages, send them over and wait for a great brand reach compared to before.

The low-cost marketing technique is very effective as it improves your relationships with clients, brings in more revenue, retains clients and more.

Whatsapp Marketing Tips

You, as a brand, sure would have a solid marketing strategy. But, apart from that, you can also follow these small tips for improving your marketing.

You Can Create Broadcast Lists.

A broadcast list means a group of recipients you have selected and placed together.

The great side is that none of your group members can see each other, yet they receive the same messages.

The lists are similar to mailing lists; you can use them to send campaign information to your customers. In addition, you can collectively form groups of VIP customers and others to send personalised messages or referrals when in need. Thus, you can engage your customers.

You Can Utilise Group Chats.

Group chats are similar to broadcast lists. However, everyone in the group can view the chats and interact within the group.

The chats are an elegant way to improve your customer interaction, and it lets them express their opinions. Then, you can consider them and work on your product’s pain points.

One more thing to keep in mind is that there is a human tendency to take decisions based on the opinion of the mass majority. In a group, if you can initiate a purchasing decision and get it backed by others, you can influence the purchase decisions of the other members of the group.

You Must Employ Whatsapp Statuses.

A Whatsapp status is a feature in the messenger app where you can upload text or multimedia files for 24 hours and receive feedback from all your contacts.

You can use this feature to introduce your product to your clients, inform them of new offers, share details of product updates etc.

In addition, you can inform your customers about the flash sale.

You Must Craft Product Catalogues.

Product catalogues allow you to showcase your products. You can add up to items as 500 in your WhatsApp product catalogue. Your potential customers may browse through it, share links to some products, or ask questions about them.

You may also send catalogue items to WhatsApp users or share a link to the showcase anywhere online. Catalogues are helpful for aspiring entrepreneurs or small businesses with no websites.

WhatsApp marketing is the best choice to reinforce your brand and build long-lasting customer relationships. However, for better results, master all the channels your customers prefer. For example, try Facebook and Telegram messages, and improve your marketing strategy with email and web push notifications campaigns. Of course, you can always sign up with myBillBook billing software and learn more about the automated WhatsApp marketing technique.

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